Thomas attended Hurtwood in 2011, studying Music Technology, Physics, and Maths. His passion for Music Technology had drawn him to Hurtwood and he spent many hours here in the theatre working with our sound department in numerous theatre productions. One of his personal highlights was rocking alongside our Deputy Headmaster Dave Fonseka in Hurtwood’s annual ‘Gig of Glory’ rock extravaganza.
Immediately after Hurtwood, Thomas undertook an apprenticeship as a Sound Technician at the National Theatre, developing his technical skills and making invaluable contacts in the industry. He subsequently gained a position at Chichester Theatre, working on popular shows such as 'Guys & Dolls' and 'Half a Sixpence.' After his success in the theatrical world, Thomas decided on a bold career change and trained as Weapons Engineer with the Royal Navy. His naval career took him to the four corners of the earth and he was deployed on HMS Albion alongside 400 others serving in the Middle East. After five fabulous years in the Navy, he turned his attention to the world of cybersecurity and was a Cyber Vulnerability Team Leader at 'Carbon60' in 2021. He has recently taken a position at 'Logiq Consulting'.