As a fully residential school, our first concern is to provide students with a safe, structured, caring and happy community, a home from home. That is why we place so much emphasis on our House structure.
Students live in one of five country houses or their lodges, some of which are on the campus and some nearby.
House Master: Peter Ions
House Master: Doug Quinn
House Master: Ian Barter
House Master: Adam Grant
House Master: Kate Cuff
House Master: Jamie Thorns
House Master: Ian Barter
Each House has a Housemaster who lives in and a team of House Tutors. The Housemaster is the link between the school and your parents and is their first point of contact on all academic and pastoral matters.
The House staff are responsible for looking after you, for monitoring your academic progress, for providing guidance and for creating a warm, supportive and organised family unit. We like to think of as a sense of ‘structured informality’.
All of the working day is spent on campus and you are transported back to your House after supper every evening by the House staff.
You will have a study bedroom which is normally shared with one other student, although there are some singles for second year students and a few triples.
Main meals are taken on campus in our award-winning ‘refectory’ building where the food is healthy and wholesome with a salad bar and a good choice of vegetarian and vegan options. It is all freshly prepared on the premises by our own staff.
There are also kitchen facilities in every house for toast, pot noodles, tea and coffee etc, games rooms and communal TV rooms.
You may also bring your own TV. All houses have internet access and a wireless LAN.
The activities during the week are outstanding in range, in number and in the number of students involved.